Thursday, October 4, 2007

Washington D.C. Debrief – So to Speak

The 2007 Out & Equal Conference (an organization committed to equality in the workplace, specifically concentration on the GLBT constituency). This is an organization that I am extremely dedicated to, however the ancillary benefits include a tremendous amount of drinking with hot, gay boys and crab cakes. It’s a good thing.

The gay boys were beautiful, the drinking was top notch, the crab cakes were lumpy and the conference was extraordinary.

I quickly, love-at-first-site-like, fell for Seattle (tall, expertly tussled hair, gorgeous) and Joey (as in cute and little, like a baby kangaroo). I immediately made a note to make them mine. Eight hours later, Joey and I were drunk as skunks. I had him fully enrolled in the Sex for Points program and neither of us could stop talking about Seattle.

I worked the conference for some hot girl-on-girl action…it really is a shame that the lipstick lesbians or the hot bi girls are not more politically active. Alas, girl had NO game with the bi boys either, as there were way too many cute boys for them to play with. Seattle, I am talking to YOU.

Seattle and Joey had some mad chemistry that had me climbing the walls. Especially given the amount of booze I had ingested. Thankfully I had Bob (never leave home without him) to help cure the ache. Is it too much to ask just to let me watch, good lord?

My BFF also flew in to meet me and my new boys. He has a fabulous D.C. tour guide that is so alarmingly beautiful that I could not stop staring at him.

More drinking, more boys, lots of site-seeing, Drag Queen Brunch, pandas and the BFF. Really, what more does a girl need.

Week Points Winner – Joey, huge score with the friend of a friend hook-up

New Alternate Reality – Have Seattle’s boyfriend’s baby (what is cuter then a chunky, freckly, red-headed baby?), move to Seattle and live in a wing of their house, run a non-profit.

Near Orgasm Moment – (Tie) Joey discussing with us how his fantasy job is a Supreme Court Judge so he can “be paid to think”. Intellectualism is beyond hot. Seattle telling me and BFF about his wife and his best friend. My panties are still wet.

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